Prohibited Items

Any other items considered inappropriate and/or dangerous may be prohibited and are at the discretion of the on-site security, UCI PD, and SGSM staff.

  • Bags, Backpacks, or purses that are not clear. Clear bags need to be no larger than 12” x 6” x 12”. All bags are subject to search.
  • Alcohol
  • Animals/Pets (Service Animals Permitted)
  • Balloons
  • Banners/Posters
  • Belts with Studs
  • Chairs
  • Coolers
  • Outside Food/Beverages
  • Costumes
  • Drones
  • Drug/Paraphernalia
  • Glass Bottles
  • Hammocks
  • Lasers Pens/Laser Items
  • Masks (Excluding those worn to prevent the spread of Covid-19)
  • Noise-Making Devices
  • Poles, Rods, Sticks and Dowels
  • Scooters, Skateboards & Hoverboards
  • Selfie Sticks
  • Umbrellas
  • Professional Video/Camera Equipment
  • Pocket Knives
  • Mace/Pepper Spray (This includes keychain ones, Please remove before entering)
  • Weapons/Toys That Mimic Weapons

Alcohol Safety

  • Eat! Eat before you drink!
  • Alternate between alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, preferably with water to stay hydrated.
  • Keep track of the number of drinks you have. Remember, one drink is roughly: a 12 oz glass of beer, a 5 oz glass of wine, or 1.5 oz shot of liquor. See the Standard Drink poster/graphic for more detailed information on how to accurately count your alcoholic drinks.
  • Tell your friends to let you know when you’ve had too much to drink.
  • Pace your drinks to one or less per hour, and avoid drinking games.
  • Don’t take (or give) unwanted peer pressure
  • Have a designated driver who isn’t drinking, or use Lyft/Uber or other modes of safe transportation.
  • Watch over your friends and peers.
  • Do not provide or share alcohol with persons under the age of 21 (it’s illegal!).
  • Do not drive under the influence.
  • Drink responsibly.

Drug Safety

  • Do NOT mix drugs and alcohol. There is no way to anticipate how your body will react to the mixture- the reaction could be very serious or even fatal.
  • If you do not feel well, seek help immediately! DO NOT SLEEP IT OFF. The symptoms of drug overdose can be the same, more exaggerated, or totally different than those of excessive alcohol use.
  • Drink water.
  • Monitor your friend(s), and make sure they are drinking enough water.
  • If they are displaying extreme or out of character behavior, get them help. It could be the result of drugs or excessive alcohol in their system, and their health may be at risk.
  • By speaking up you could save your friend from serious harm, and could even save their life.
  • Do not drive under the influence.
  • Remember: You never know what you are actually taking. Though distributors may assure you that you are getting a certain drug, there is a high likelihood that this drug has been cut with something else, or is a different drug entirely. This is especially common with pills. ONE PILL CAN KILL!


UCI Police and medical will be on-site during the concert.  You can find the First-Aid tent directly across from the entrance tent.  There will also be a water tent to help students stay hydrated! Contact a staff member at any time for assistance.

Questions or Comments? Please contact for more information.

Associated Students of UC Irvine
G244 Student Center, Irvine, California, 92697 * Phone: 949.824.2400 *  Email: